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The Growth of AI-Powered Business Applications

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The founder of Mesosphere, Inc., Florian “Flo” Liebert has been active in the technology industry for over 20 years. In addition to launching the software company, Florian Liebert has extensive experience with machine learning and algorithm design. Both of these fields of technology are increasingly forming the foundations of today’s artificial intelligence (AI) business applications.

Today, AI no longer belongs to an esoteric group of researchers and scientists; AI applications have found their way into multiple industries. In the healthcare sector, the AI app Medecision helps patients determine if a hospital visit is needed. In finance, natural language processing tools are used to assess customers’ sentiments toward specific brands. Stock traders at Nomura Securities use AI applications that allow for high-frequency trading, yielding higher profits; the AI app Aidya allows for anonymous trading. Data security apps such as Deep Instinct employ AI to accurately find malware in files. Finally, in manufacturing, robots use AI technology to enhance productivity after receiving instructions from humans at production sites.