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ISO 8601 - International Standard for Writing Dates and Times

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Florian “Flo” Leibert has decades of experience as a professional programmer with executive roles in the start-up and administration of multiple technology companies. The CEO and founder of Mesosphere, Florian Leibert also helped design software such as Mesosphere Marathon and Chronos.

Chronos is a fault tolerant scheduler and cron replacement that operates through Apache Mesos, an open-source software program that helps deploy applications in clustered computing environments. A distributed utility, Chronos allows reoccurring and dependency-based jobs to be orchestrated using a repeating interval notation and the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) 8601 standard.

ISO 8601 is a method for representing times and dates numerically; for instance, it instructs specific dates to be displayed as YYYY-MM-DD. This internationally-recognized format helps reduce confusion and improve business communications on a global scale. ISO 8601 comprises guidelines for writing dates, time of day and intervals, and coordinated universal and local times, as wells as intervals for recurring times.